EMEmber's Blog

Cold Laser/Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Cold Laser/Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)


Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or "cold laser therapy" is on track to become one of the most important developments in life sciences since the discovery of penicillin. LLLT dramatically reduces musculoskeletal pain and inflammation as well as promoting tissue repair wherever the laser beam is applied. This is not a heat treatment, the effects are photochemical. One of the primary actions is on mitochondrial production of ATP, therefore potentially affecting any eukaryotic cell in the body.

LLLT has undergone over 1000 published laboratory studies and is already proven in over 100 successful randomised double blind controlled clinical trials (RCT's). These trials include osteoarthritis, tendinitis / tendinopathies and other sports injuries, back and neck pain, diabetic foot and venous ulcer wound healing.

Contact Information:

Website: http://www.thorlaser.com/