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EMPULSE is a lightweight, handheld pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) treatment device that activates and augments the body's natural healing processes. EMpulse assists antioxidants in neutralizing free radicals in the body. EMpulse was developed by Dr. Glen Gordon of EM-Probe Technologies. Suggested minimum application is 30-45 minutes two to three times daily (either gently moved over or held on the desired location, e.g., painful or inflamed area on body).

EMpulse is extremely portable (2-ounce), compact (cellphone-sized), and easy to use. It is available in two models: EMpulse TRILOGY and EMpulse SOLO. EMpulse TRILOGY offers a pulsed electromagnetic field, infrared light, and heat. EMpulse SOLO offers electromagnetic field and infrared light. Empulse SOLO is especially recommended for use with 9-volt battery adaptor operating approx. 20-50 hours per battery. EMpulse TRILOGY operates approx. 4-8 hours per battery. (Both models may be used either with included 120-volt AC tranformer or optional 9-volt battery adaptor accessory.) 1-year manufacturer’s warranty.* FDA registered.

CONSIDERATIONS AND APPLICATIONS: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy offers an ideal solution for individuals desiring healing, pain relief, and increased antioxidant (i.e., free-radical quenching) activity in the body. Numerous studies, including an extensive 4-year NASA study (see Abstracts), conclude that PEMF technology offers therapeutic benefits for a wide variety of health conditions. EMpulse’s spectrum of use has ranged from conditions involving inflammation or requiring pain relief (e.g., trauma, arthritis, muscle injury, etc.) to those requiring tissue restoration (e.g., nerve repair, fractures, ischemia, spinal cord injury, etc.).


EMpulse is the only commercially available nanosecond PEMF device. Nanosecond PEMF technology uses extremely rapid nanosecond pulses of electromagnetic energy (EM) to stimulate healing and regeneration, and support your body’s natural antioxidant defenses. At 72 pulses per second, EMpulse’s pulsed, square-wave electromagnetic field energy passes through skin with no sensation at all restoring and healing deep tissues.

A long-term research study conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) found nanosecond PEMF (nPEMF) increased healing rates 2.5–4.0 times faster than slower millisecond technologies. This also contrasts with therapeutic devices using light energy, which at 10 billion pulses per second is trapped in the skin and converted to heat. Nanosecond technology offers the specific frequencies known most effectively to actuate healing in your body.

NASA’s 4-year research study defined speed as the critical pulse factor. NASA concluded that square waves with rapid dB/dt (nanosecond speed) can be used for “growing tissue for transplantation -- restoring tissue after trauma -- and mitigating some neurodegenerative disorders.” NASA found nanosecond technology “capable of stimulating classes of genes associated with cell growth and restoration in a no way marginal manner.”