EMEmber's Blog

PTD (Thomas Aksnes)

PTD (Thomas Aksnes)


PTD (Personal Therapy Device)

"The pioneering Personal Therapy Device (PTD) is a new wellness product, designed to trigger our body’s own natural healing functions. This easy to use, pocket-sized health assistant uses more than 300 tailored programs aimed at addressing different health stress conditions and symptoms. PTD works by stimulating our body’s frequency-based information system on an electromagnetic level. It uses the understanding of how the body is influenced through communication energetically. Cell molecules generate electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies are an important part of the cell to cell communication and guidance of the body’s self-regulating mechanisms. When a health condition appears, the molecular movements change, and by influencing them with correct frequencies, they are stimulated to re-tune themselves back to their normal state. The programs are within the following categories:

  • Stimulate wellness: PTD has programs to support stress reduction, increased mental and physical energy, improved sleeping conditions, weight reduction, detoxification and more.
  • Problem solving: PTD has programs to stimulate the body’s response systems, both generally and for specific conditions such as the common cold, infection, allergy, injuries, etc. Stimulates
  • Regeneration: Where there is reduced function or lack of vitality in a tissue or an organ, the PTD has programs to support the tissue or organ strength. This requires long-term use with daily treatments.
  • Symptom reduction: Symptoms are reactions our body creates to let us know about a problem, so it is important to investigate the cause of a symptom. However, there are times when we have a need for short-term relief, and PTD can assist with most common symptoms.

The development has been lead by the presenter on this workshop; Thomas Aksnes. The device combines several known technologies for clinic use, as well as PDA technology. It is manufactured, on behalf of SCIO Norge as, by a leading supplier of high-tech electronic equipment to the Russian defense industry. Product design has been done by the Danish designer Simon Rørvig."