EMEX Summer: Science of Healing-Biofield Future

Welcome to The Science of Healing: Biofield Future

(Archive of the Live event on 30th May 2020 @ 4.00 pm CEST)

FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1640022019482496

Integrating Biofield Science and Healing

-Florentina Richeldi

Vibraimage as the Science of Healing

-Viktor Minkin

Laser and Light in Human Energy Field: Therapy of Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries

-Leonardo Longo

The Effects of Informed Water in the Bio-Resonance Field

-Marco Marini

Biofield and Scale Invariance

-MV Mohan Kumar

Invisible reality of Human Body

-Eliya Kostova

How Paradigms Shift: Systems Change for Biofield and Subtle Energy Practices, Devices and Research

-David Muehsam

Biofield Research and the Science of Healing

-Thornton Streeter